Multimedia is the use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio, and video with links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate. This definition contains four components essential to multimedia. First, there must be a computer to coordinate what you see and hear, and to interact with. Second, there must be links that connect the information. Third, there must be navigational tools that let you traverse the web of connected information. Finally, because multimedia is not a spectator sport, there must be ways for you to gather, process, and communicate your own information and ideas. If one of these components is missing, you do not have multimedia. For example, if you have no computer to provide interactivity, you have mixed media, not multimedia. If there are no links to provide a sense of structure and dimension, you have a bookshelf, not multimedia. If there are no navigational tools to let you decide the course of action, you have a movie, not multimedia. If you cannot create and contribute your own ideas, you have a television, not multimedia.

How do I use Multimedia?

        As a student I can be able to use multimedia as learning materials like learning interactively with software's made for a certain subject. It will also allow me to experience a subject from many angles, giving me deeper understanding of the subject matter. Using various forms of multimedia in the classroom also helps to keep my interest level high when it comes to learning. For presentation , I think multimedia will be very useful for me when I make presentations through PowerPoint or when I make a report and I want to present it with charts and graphs, which I wouldn't of been able to do without multimedia and graphics. Also I use it in communicating with my love ones, friends, and others. So that in way of using multimedia we're stay connected even though we are  far from each other . 

                Where to use Multimedia


Business applications in multimedia are presentation, training, marketing, advertising, product demos, catalogues, networked communication and voicemail. The presentation is very useful in many aspects of work and life. Because these are important in business to sales, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience. Presentation allows us to lecture in front of audiences and to present our product or project. Presentation can be use in oral, multimedia, power point presentations, educational or training sessions to giving simply a talk on a subject to group a voluntary basis for pleasure. In this is to facilitate small business and your employees, customers and potential customers of communication. We have use the multimedia in business marketing is easy to persuade the customers to buy us products. In business have different customers they have teenage, elderly people and many. So we can use the multimedia because that can make them easy to understanding it. These are the most common photo sharing marketing strategies.


Now many schools are using multimedia in teaching. That can bought teaching and studying to the next level. In this at the schools are encouraging teachers to use multimedia in line with their teaching to create an interest for children. This allows the body absorb and retain information more easily associate, if they can stimulate all kinds of information. Further, using multimedia can help address the needs of students with varying learning styles. This also can make technology to improve teaching and learning the practical possibilities is endless, but the learning curve of software and hardware is shrinking. Best of this entire multimedia projects can provide a means of actively engaging students in the learning process. For examples, students can work in groups to create a digital video project. Projects this usually just only attract students to far more personal than writing a paper, even though they may actually work harder in the video project.


Multimedia now from the gardening, cooking, home design, remodelling and repair to genealogy software is entered the home. Finally, most of the multimedia project will reach through the family TV or monitor, built-in interactive input. Either in the old East-West Women Network TV or high-definition set user. After that, home consumers can use own computer to watch movie such as CD-ROM or DVD driver. We want set-up a player that hooks up to television such as Nintendo, X-box or PlayStation machine. Therefore, have multimedia at home so we not so boring at home.

Public Places

In the public places have hotels, train station, shopping malls, museums, libraries and grocery stores. We make the multimedia in public places is for the people provide 24 hours a day also can use the multimedia in them life. In this is piped to wireless devices such as cell phones and PDS. The wireless is at anywhere and anytime because that can give the people at any moment also can online to research any things. This make easier to people, then they don’t want go back home just can online. That can save time and also can make the life more enrich.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a multimedia extension, and it uses imagery, sounds, and animations of basic multimedia elements. Because it requires from a person stringing is navigation feedback, maybe virtual reality is an interactive multimedia in its fullest extension. It is often used to describe a wide variety of applications commonly associated with immersive, highly visual and 3D environments. Simulation environment can be similar to the real world, for example is in the pilot or combat training, simulation or it can be significantly different from the reality as in virtual reality games. 

The significance of using multimedia

With the use of multimedia presentations, the audience can easily understand a concept. It provides an effective and efficient way to grab the attention of the visitors and share information about various products easily. It is also used in business marketing to persuade customers to buy the products.

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